Part-time Janitorial Position
Janitorial services are required for the Gitxsan Treaty Office, 1650 Omineca Street and the Gitxsan Chiefs Library Building, 4315 Field Street, Hazelton. Detailed cleaning requirements may be obtained from the Treaty Office on Omineca Street.
Applicants must provide references and be prepared to provide a criminal record check if selected. Lowest bid, not necessarily accepted.
Interested Applicants must submit bids by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2003 to:
Attention: Catherine Blackstock, Executive Director
Mailing Address: Gitxsan Treaty Office
P.O. Box 229,
Hazelton, B.C. VOJ 1Y0
Facsimile: (250) 842-6709 or E-mail:
More information:
Catherine Blackstock, Executive Director
Gitxsan Treaty Office
(250) 842.6780 Local 332