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Gitxsan Upper Nass Watershed Facilitator
03 November 2005

Gitxsan Territories

Gitxsan Upper Nass Watershed Facilitator
Watershed Facilitator
* The ideal candidate will be of Gitxsan decent and a member of the Upper Nass Watershed for which the position is posted.
* Sound knowledge of Gitxsan Wilp System and Ayooks Niiyeet.
* Post secondary diploma in Resource Management/Fisheries.
* Grade 12 equivalent.
* Minimum 3 years work experience in a coordinating or supervisory capacity.
* Excellent communication skills: oral & written.
* Must be able to write proposals and successfully obtain funding.
Demonstrate with actual situations.
* 3 references that demonstrate your suitability for the position.

Job Description:
* This position will report to the Simgigyet of the Upper Nass Watershed.
* The facilitator will provide leadership to all members of the Upper Nass Watershed team.
* Take the Huwilp through the Watershed Planning process as defined of r all nine watersheds.
* Will be responsible for job recruitment and supervision of Watershed Team members.
* Responsible for the securing of funds ofr watershed operations including but not limited to:  Economic opportunities, cultural heritage inventory of all Huwilp laxyip within the watershed.
* Provide monthly written reports to the Simgigyet of the watershed.
* Provide reports and powerpoint presentations to all i8nterested parties about the activities of the watershed at meeting and the annual Gitxsan Assembly.
* Facilitate discussion and policy decisions amongst watershed table member dealing with resource and gwalyeinsxw issues as the arise.
* Explore potential partnerships for the watershed to pursue economic opportunities.

Job Duties:
* Will ensure that the Inter Wilp agreement is signed by all Simgigyet in the watershed.
* Will ensure that the Trust Agreement is signed by all Simgigyet in the watershed.
* Set up regular monthly meetings with Simgigyet of the watershed.
* Prepare written monthly reports for the Simgigyet.
* Prepare a yearly written report.
* Prepare a yearly work plan approved by the Simgigyet.
* Oversee the implementation of the policies created by the watersheds albong with nation policy, with respect to resource work and development.
* Research and do proposals that meet the needs of the table to secure funding with an emphasis on reforestation and restoration work.
* Work with GIS mappers and data analysts for accurate and verifiable cultural information about the Laxyip of the Huwilp and their membership.
* Supervise the members of the watershed team.
* Prepare reports for use in powerpoint presentations.
* Present a working report fore the Annual Gitxsan Assembly.
* Keep current and share information with watershed teams, in terms of current resourced management practices and technology.
* Work with the Simgigyet in the hiring of watershed team, based on the descriptions and budgets created for watershed planning.

Deadline: November 4th, 2005 at 4:30pm.
Attention:          George Muldoe
                                    Gitxsan Chiefs Office
                                    1650 Omineca Street
                                    Box 229
                                    Hazelton BC  V0J 1Y0
                                    Fax:  (250) 842-6709

More information:
George Muldoe
Gitxsan Chiefs' Office
(250) 842-6780 fax (250) 842-6709