19 March 2010
The Gitxsan had economic relationships that worked to everybody’s benefit prior to the application of the Indian Act in 1951.
The Traditional Hereditary System continues to be a well-organized society with political, social, legal and economic institutions based on the Huwilp (House groups).
The Gitxsan institutions based on natural law, balanced lifestyle, respect, and obligation to community, are at work today.
Each wilphl Gitxsan and its citizens are required to behave in accordance with Gitxsan Law. The areas covered by Gitxsan law include citizenship, adoption, marriage, property, use of resources, conduct at potlatches, etc.
Gitxsan Alternative Governance Model
After nearly a century of trying we are closer than ever to seeing a better and more equitable life for the Gitxsan people.
More than a decade of treaty negotiations with the Provincial and Federal Governments and a great deal of money and time invested along the way have brought us success and setbacks, great optimism and discouragement alike.
We believe it is necessary to learn from what has happened in the past. However, we do not feel this should prevent us from moving towards a new, more productive initiative, one that respects our local conditions and traditions while answering a need for more creative solutions to the treaty process.
We propose a Gitxsan-specific approach to our future negotiations with the governments of Canada and B.C., the Alternative Governance Model.
The basic tenets of the Alternative Governance Model:
Read the Alternative Governance Model Document. View PDF